“A teacher takes a hand, open a mind touches a heart, shapes the future”.

Welcome to the portals of BDDC!

Basanti Devi Degree College, a premier institute, has pledged to promote education to all in general and women in particular. This self-financed teacher training women’s college creates an academic ambience which promotes holistic development among younger generation to become future innovative scholars contributing for the nation and the world. The college strives to bestow upon its students optimal conceptual blending of science of teaching and art of teaching – in its pedagogy. The minds of the students are hereby ignited with interplay of sparks imagination, creative and tech savvy passion for teaching learning process.

Over the last 15 years since its inception in 2004, Basanti Devi Degree College (BDDC) has carved out a niche for itself as a pioneer women’s college and has been nourishing budding students committed to nation building. The college has always strived to cater for the predominant needs of education by providing a discerning balance of academic promotion and practical prudence, Life is transient and ephemeral which is measured by its quality and not quantity; so is education. Quality education not only demands the development of man’s faculties: his quest for reflective thinking but also expects its stakeholders to craft information highways for knowledge seekers. At BDDC we stand by a firm belief on the saying by Henry B. Adams, “They know enough who know how to learn”. Therefore, the quest for knowledge, the inquisitive minds, the attitude for critical learning is all that is required to reshape and improvise the existing scenario of education. BDDC, is surely a platform for continuum of learning and the spectrum of educational experiences.

I am immensely delighted to state that college results in the university have been extremely heartening year after year scoring distinction and all of them securing first division. I earnestly believe and hope that the blend of enriched education curriculum, the realistic values and the commitment of the management and teaching faculty will make the college a leading center for women’s education in future also. The March ahead is on……

Dr. Mamta Shrivastava

Ph. D. (Edu.)